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01 unit 1 Listen again and complete the descriptions of the photos above..mp3

02 unit 1 Listen to the conversation and see if your answers for Activity 2 are correct..mp3

03 unit 1 单词.mp3

04 unit 1 课后练习A.mp3

05 unit 1 课后练习B.mp3

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01 unit 1 Listen again and complete the descriptions of the photos above..mp3
02 unit 1 Listen to the conversation and see if your answers for Activity 2 are correct..mp3
03 unit 1 单词.mp3
04 unit 1 课后练习A.mp3
05 unit 1 课后练习B.mp3
06 unit 1 课后阅读.mp3
07 Unit 1 P6 Using language1.mp3
08 Unit 1 P7 Using language2.mp3
09 Unit 1 P63 Workbook listenig and speaking.mp3
10 Unit 1 P64 Workbook Reading and writing.mp3
11 Unit 1 Reading and thinking.mp3
12 Unit 1 words and expressions.mp3
13 unit 2 Listen again and take notes by fitting in the poster below..mp3
14 unit 2 Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions..mp3
15 unit 2 大课文2.mp3
16 unit 2 单词.mp3
17 unit 2 课后练习A.mp3
18 unit 2 课后练习B.mp3
19 unit 2 课后阅读.mp3
20 Unit 2 P14 Reading and thinking.mp3
21 Unit 2 P18 Using language1_20211026_140909.mp3
22 Unit 2 P19 Pronunciation.mp3
23 Unit 2 P20 Using language2.mp3
24 Unit 2 P70 Workbook listenig and speaking.mp3
25 Unit 2 P71 Workbook Reading and writing.mp3
26 Unit 2 Words and expressions.mp3
27 unit 3 Tingting, Anna, and Lisa are at the Hunan Restaurant..mp3
28 unit 3 大课文2.mp3
29 unit 3 单词.mp3
30 unit 3 课后练习A.mp3
31 unit 3 课后练习B.mp3
32 unit 3 课后阅读.mp3
33 Unit 3 P26 Reading and thinking.mp3
34 Unit 3 P31 Using language1.mp3
35 Unit 3 P32 Using language2.mp3
36 Unit 3 P77 Workbook listenig and speaking.mp3
37 Unit 3 P78 Workbook Reading and writing.mp3
38 Unit 3 Words and expressions.mp3
39 unit 4 Listen again. Match the following idioms and similes with their meanings..mp3
40 unit 4 Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions..mp3
41 unit 4 大课文2.mp3
42 unit 4 课后练习A.mp3
43 unit 4 课后练习B.mp3
44 unit 4 课后阅读.mp3
45 Unit 4 P38 Reading and thinking.mp3
46 Unit 4 P42 Using language1.mp3
47 Unit 4 P43 Using language2.mp3
48 Unit 4 P84 Workbook listenig and speaking.mp3
49 Unit 4 P84 Workbook listenig and speaking.mp3
50 Unit 4 P85 Workbook Reading and writing.mp3
51 Unit 4 P85 Workbook Reading and writing.mp3
52 Unit 4 Words and expressions.mp3
53 unit 5 Listen to a 999 call in England and answer the questions..mp3
54 unit 5 大课文1.mp3
55 unit 5 大课文2.mp3
56 unit 5 单词.mp3
57 unit 5 课后练习B.mp3
58 unit 5 课后阅读.mp3
59 Unit 5 P50 Reading and thinking.mp3
60 Unit 5 P54 Using language1.mp3
61 Unit 5 P56 Using language2.mp3
62 Unit 5 P91 Workbook listenig and speaking.mp3
63 Unit 5 P92 Workbook Reading and writing.mp3
64 Unit 5 Words and expressions.mp3


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